The general solution to this equation is found by separation of variables. Even when variables can be separated, the final solution might be accompanied by a warning message ...
In an expression like f[x], the 'function name' f is itself an expression, and you can treat it as you would any other expression. You can replace names of functions using ...
One of the important features of Mathematica is its ability to give you exact, symbolic, results for computations. There are, however, computations where it is just ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Cos[z] gives the cosine of z.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Sin[z] gives the sine of z.
RamanujanTauZ[t] gives the Ramanujan tau Z-function Z(t).
TimeUsed[] gives the total number of seconds of CPU time used so far in the current Mathematica session.
The first argument given to DSolve is the differential equation, the second argument is the unknown function, and the last argument identifies the independent variable. Here ...
Interface definitions can be defined using either a Mathematica expression or an XML definition. For many usages the Mathematica syntax is preferred. However, in cases where ...
ToCompactXML[expr] generates an equivalent SymbolicXML expression that suppresses all the redundant namespace information for elements and attributes in expr. ...