DeleteContents is an option for DeleteDirectory that specifies whether the contents of directories should automatically be deleted.
RootedEmbedding[g, v] constructs a rooted embedding of graph g with vertex v as the root. RootedEmbedding[g] constructs a rooted embedding with a center of g as the root.
Mathematica 6.0 defined a major new paradigm for computing, centered around the concept of the symbolic dynamic interface. Built on Mathematica's unique symbolic ...
Forms of Input and Output How Input and Output Work The Representation of Textual Forms
PathGraph[{v_1, v_2, ...}] yields a path with vertices v_i and edges between v_i and v i +\[ThinSpace]1 .PathGraph[{e_1, e_2, ...}] yields a path with edges ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Catch[expr] returns the argument of the first Throw generated in the evaluation of expr. Catch[expr, form] returns value from the first Throw[value, tag] for which form ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Reap[expr] gives the value of expr together with all expressions to which Sow has been applied during its evaluation. Expressions sown using Sow[e] or Sow[e, tag_i] with ...
ScalingMatrix[{s_x, s_y, ...}] gives the matrix corresponding to scaling by a factor s_i along each coordinate axis.ScalingMatrix[s, v] gives the matrix corresponding to ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Throw[value] stops evaluation and returns value as the value of the nearest enclosing Catch. Throw[value, tag] is caught only by Catch[expr, form] where form is a pattern ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) BellY[n, k, {x_1, ..., x n - k + 1}] gives the partial Bell polynomial Y n, k (x_1, ..., x n - k + 1). BellY[n, k, m] gives the generalized partial Bell polynomial of a ...