Characters["string"] gives a list of the characters in a string.
CrossMatrix[r] gives a matrix whose elements are 1 in a centered cross-shaped region that extends r positions along each index direction, and are 0 otherwise.CrossMatrix[r, ...
DegreeGraphDistribution[dlist] represents a degree graph distribution with vertex degree dlist.
DiamondMatrix[r] gives a matrix whose elements are 1 in a diamond-shaped region that extends r index positions to each side, and are 0 otherwise.DiamondMatrix[r, w] gives a ...
DiskMatrix[r] gives a matrix whose elements are 1 in a disk-shaped region of radius r, and are otherwise 0.DiskMatrix[r, w] gives a w*w matrix containing a disk of 1s with ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) GridBox[{{box_11, box_12, ...}, {box_21, box_22, ...}, ...}] is a low-level box construct that represents a two-dimensional grid of boxes or strings in notebook expressions.
RandomInteger[{i_min, i_max}] gives a pseudorandom integer in the range {i_min, i_max}. RandomInteger[i_max] gives a pseudorandom integer in the range {0, ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Range[i_max] generates the list {1, 2, ..., i_max}. Range[i_min, i_max] generates the list {i_min, ..., i_max}. Range[i_min, i_max, di] uses step di.
Subgraph[g, {v_1, v_2, ...}] gives the subgraph of the graph g generated by the vertices v_i.Subgraph[g, {e_1, e_2, ...}] gives the subgraph generated by the edges ...
UniformGraphDistribution[n, m] represents a uniform graph distribution on n-vertex, m-edge graphs.