Repeated patterns. Multiple blanks such as x__ allow you to give patterns in which sequences of arbitrary expressions can occur. The Mathematica pattern repetition operators ...
Start with the expression that will be the base. Type x. Create a built-up power by pressing the Control key and the 6 key at the same time.
An integration strategy is an algorithm that attempts to compute integral estimates that satisfy user-specified precision or accuracy goals. An integration strategy normally ...
CompilationOptions is an option for Compile that specifies settings for the compilation process.
GraphicsColumn[{g_1, g_2, ...}] generates a graphic in which the g_i are laid out in a column, with g_1 above g_2, etc. GraphicsColumn[list, alignment] aligns each element ...
EdgeList[g] gives the list of edges for the graph g. EdgeList[g, patt] gives a list of edges that match the pattern patt.
InterpolatingFunction[domain, table] represents an approximate function whose values are found by interpolation.
Eigensystem[m] gives a list {values, vectors} of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the square matrix m. Eigensystem[{m, a}] gives the generalized eigenvalues and ...
CUDALink allows Mathematica to use the CUDA parallel computing architecture on Graphical Processing Units (GPUs). It contains functions that use CUDA-enabled GPUs to boost ...
Distribution[l, set] lists the frequency of each element of set in list l.