Unicode: 226F. Alias: Esc !> Esc. Infix ordering operator. x ≯ y is by default interpreted as NotGreater[x,y]. ≯ is equivalent to ≤ only for a totally ordered set.
Unicode: 226E. Alias: Esc !< Esc. Infix ordering operator. x ≮ y is by default interpreted as NotLess[x,y]. ≮ is equivalent to ≥ only for a totally ordered set.
Unicode: 220C. Alias: Esc !mem Esc. Infix set relation operator. x ∌ y is by default interpreted as NotReverseElement[x,y].
Unicode: 22E2. Infix set relation operator. x ⋢ y is by default interpreted as NotSquareSubsetEqual[x,y].
Unicode: F42E. Infix set relation operator. x y is by default interpreted as NotSquareSubset[x,y].
Unicode: 22E3. Infix set relation operator. x ⋣ y is by default interpreted as NotSquareSupersetEqual[x,y].
Unicode: F42F. Infix set relation operator. x y is by default interpreted as NotSquareSuperset[x,y].
Unicode: 2288. Alias: Esc !sub= Esc. Infix set relation operator. x ⊈ y is by default interpreted as NotSubsetEqual[x,y].
Unicode: 2284. Alias: Esc !sub Esc. Infix set relation operator. x ⊄ y is by default interpreted as NotSubset[x,y].
Unicode: 2289. Alias: Esc !sup= Esc. Infix set relation operator. x ⊉ y is by default interpreted as NotSupersetEqual[x,y].