StyleBox[boxes, options] is a low-level representation of boxes to be shown with the specified option settings. StyleBox[boxes, " style"] uses the option setting for the ...
Subfactorial[n] gives the number of permutations of n objects that leave no object fixed.
Thickness[r] is a graphics directive which specifies that lines which follow are to be drawn with thickness r. The thickness r is given as a fraction of the horizontal plot ...
TicksStyle is an option for graphics functions which specifies how ticks should be rendered.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Trace[expr] generates a list of all expressions used in the evaluation of expr. Trace[expr, form] includes only those expressions which match form. Trace[expr, s] includes ...
VertexCoordinateRules is an option for GraphPlot and related functions which specifies rules for determining the coordinates at which vertices should be placed.
VertexSize is an option and property for Graph and related functions that specifies the size used for vertices.
Finding singular values and norms of matrices. The singular values of a matrix m are the square roots of the eigenvalues of m.m^*, where * denotes Hermitian transpose. The ...
NSolve gives you a general way to find numerical approximations to the solutions of polynomial equations. Finding numerical solutions to more general equations, however, can ...
If the front end activation dialog box appears when you launch Mathematica, either Mathematica could not locate the mathpass file or there was no valid password in the ...