AllowShortContext is an option to LoadJavaClass (in J/Link) and LoadNETType (in .NET/Link) that specifies whether the class-specific context in which static method and field ...
FormStartPosition is an option to DoNETModal, DoNETModeless, ShowNETWindow, and ShowNETConsole that controls the onscreen location of the form when it first appears.
MarshalStringsAs is an option to DefineDLLFunction that specifies how string arguments should be marshaled into the DLL function. This applies to any arguments that are ...
The function FindClusters finds clusters in a dataset based on a distance or dissimilarity function. This package contains functions for generating cluster hierarchies and ...
The CCompilerDriver package lets you work with C compilers that are installed on your computer. It lets you build executables, libraries, and object files from C source code. ...
Code generation from Mathematica involves converting programs written in the Mathematica language into other languages and then supporting them so that they can be executed. ...
SymbolicC has a number of functions for working with the C preprocessor. These allow you to set up including header files, defining macros, as well as setting up conditional ...
You can use the Mathematica BSF engine that ships with the GUIKit` framework in third-party applications that support BSF. The naming conventions to note are that BSF uses ...
NFourierCoefficient[expr, t, n] gives a numerical approximation to the n \[Null]^th coefficient in the Fourier exponential series expansion of expr, where expr is a periodic ...
NFourierCosCoefficient[expr, t, n] gives a numerical approximation to the n\[Null]^th coefficient in the Fourier cosine series expansion of expr, where expr is a periodic ...