OrderStarPlot[r, f] draws the order star depicting the region where | r/f | < 1 for the functions r and f.OrderStarPlot[r, f, z] draws the order star where r and f are ...
StrongComponents[g] gives a list of all strongly connected components in the directed graph g.
WeakComponents[g] gives a list of all weakly connected components in the undirected graph g.
(Hierarchical Clustering Package Symbol) Linkage is an option for Agglomerate and DendrogramPlot that specifies the linkage method for agglomerative clustering.
MultivariateMedianDeviation[matrix] gives the median Euclidean distance from the median of the elements in matrix.
LegendShadow is an option for Legend which specifies the shadowing drawn around the legend.
Frequently, physical systems exhibit special symmetries or structures that make a particular coordinate system especially useful. In a mathematically elegant solution to ...
Transparency is useful in plots when you need an unobstructed view of multiple components of one plot, or simply want to lighten a single plot component against a white ...
When working with graphics in Mathematica , you may want to combine several graphics into a single image. Mathematica can combine graphics by overlaying them or by embedding ...