ParagraphSpacing is an option for Cell, StyleBox, and Style that specifies how much extra space to leave between successive paragraphs of text.
ParallelTable[expr, {i_max}] generates in parallel a list of i_max copies of expr.ParallelTable[expr, {i, i_max}] generates in parallel a list of the values of expr when i ...
PlotMarkers is an option for graphics functions like ListPlot and ListLinePlot that specifies what markers to draw at the points plotted.
PopupWindow[expr, contents] displays as expr, but pops up a window containing contents when clicked.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Rescale[x, {min, max}] gives x rescaled to run from 0 to 1 over the range min to max. Rescale[x, {min, max}, {x_min, x_max}] gives x rescaled to run from x_min to x_max over ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Round[x] gives the integer closest to x. Round[x, a] rounds to the nearest multiple of a.
RuntimeAttributes is an option for Compile that specifies attributes for the compiled function it creates.
ScalingFunctions is an option for BarChart, Histogram, and other charting functions that specifies what scaling functions should be used.
SelectComponents[m, " prop", crit] computes a property " prop" for all components in a label matrix m and returns a version of m in which components that do not satisfy crit ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Show[graphics, options] shows graphics with the specified options added. Show[g_1, g_2, ...] shows several graphics combined.