SQLConnectionPools[] returns a list of the open connection pools.SQLConnectionPools[conn] returns the connection pool used for a connection.
HSQLDB is a relational database engine written in Java that is bundled with DatabaseLink, which also contains a JDBC driver and necessary configuration. It offers a small ...
SQLDropTable drops tables from a database. An alternative, using raw SQL, is demonstrated in "Dropping Tables with Raw SQL". If you find that the examples in this tutorial do ...
DatabaseLink contains a number of example databases (many use HSQLDB). These allow you to try examples in the documentation and learn the details of working with databases in ...
JavaBlock[expr] causes all new Java objects returned to Mathematica during the evaluation of expr to be released when expr finishes. It is an error to refer to such an object ...
$JavaExceptionHandler allows you to control how exceptions thrown in Java are handled in Mathematica.
NETBlock[expr] causes all new .NET objects returned to Mathematica during the evaluation of expr to be released when expr finishes.
TetGenConvexHull[points] generates a convex hull for a 3D point set.
TetGenDelaunay[points] generates a Delaunay tetrahedralization for a 3D point set.
TetGenGetEdges[expr] gets the edges in a TetGen expression.