Mathematica 6.0 fundamentally redefined Mathematica and introduced a major new paradigm for computation. Building on Mathematica's time-tested core symbolic architecture, ...
Mathematica has many matrix operations that support operations such as building, computing, and visualizing matrices. It also has a rich language for picking out parts of ...
DialogInput[expr] interactively puts up expr as a dialog notebook, waits until a DialogReturn[e] is evaluated from within it, and then returns the result e. DialogInput[{x = ...
Mathematica has special sparse-array technology for efficiently handling arrays with literally astronomical numbers of elements when only a small fraction of the elements are ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Refine[expr, assum] gives the form of expr that would be obtained if symbols in it were replaced by explicit numerical expressions satisfying the assumptions assum. ...
FindInstance[expr, vars] finds an instance of vars that makes the statement expr be True. FindInstance[expr, vars, dom] finds an instance over the domain dom. Common choices ...
Tightly integrated into Mathematica's core language is a rich set of primitives for interacting with external environments. Mathematica's symbolic architecture makes possible ...
PolynomialLCM[poly_1, poly_2, ...] gives the least common multiple of the polynomials poly_i. PolynomialLCM[poly_1, poly_2, ..., Modulus -> p] evaluates the LCM modulo the ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Xor[e_1, e_2, ...] is the logical XOR (exclusive OR) function. It gives True if an odd number of the e_i are True, and the rest are False. It gives False if an even number of ...
Factoring a quadratic polynomial in one variable is straightforward. But Mathematica routinely factors degree-100 polynomials in 3 variables—by making use of a tower of ...