You can export XML data from Mathematica using the standard Export function. Exporting files. The first argument of the function specifies the file to which the data should ...
ParametricPlot[{f_x, f_y}, {u, u_min, u_max}] generates a parametric plot of a curve with x and y coordinates f_x and f_y as a function of u. ParametricPlot[{{f_x, f_y}, ...
The basic problem of the calculus of variations is to determine the function u(x) that extremizes a functional F=∫_SubscriptBox[x^StyleBox[min, FontSlant -> Italic], ...
FinancialBond[params, ambientparams] gives the value of a financial bond instrument.FinancialBond[params, ambientparams, prop] computes the specified property prop.
LineIntegralConvolutionPlot[{{v_x, v_y}, image}, {x, x_min, x_max}, {y, y_min, y_max}] generates a line integral convolution plot of image convolved with the vector field ...
RootLocusPlot[g, {k, k_min, k_max}] generates the root locus plot of a rational function g of k ranging from k_min to k_max.RootLocusPlot[sys, ...] plots the root loci of a ...
VectorPlot3D[{v_x, v_y, v_z}, {x, x_min, x_max}, {y, y_min, y_max}, {z, z_min, z_max}] generates a 3D vector plot of the vector field {v_x, v_y, v_z} as a function of x, y, ...
WaveletScalogram[wd] plots wavelet vector coefficients in a DiscreteWaveletData or ContinuousWaveletData object wd.WaveletScalogram[wd, wind] plots wavelet coefficients ...
SQLExecute[conn, command] executes a command in an SQL connection.SQLExecute[conn, command, args] passes arguments to the command.
Widget["TextPanel"] represents a text panel.