InterpolatingPolynomial[{f_1, f_2, ...}, x] constructs an interpolating polynomial in x which reproduces the function values f_i at successive integer values 1, 2, ... of x. ...
Mathematica includes many controls and structures related to controls as part of its core language. These control objects are supported in a completely seamless way ...
Automatic Grouping automatically creates hierarchical cell groups on the basis of cell style.
Background Color assigns a background color to the selected cells or text.
Cell Dingbat attaches the specified character as a left-hanging dingbat on the selected cells.
Default View resets the view point for the selected (or clicked upon) 3D graphic to the default orientation.
Make Standard Size restores selected graphics to the default size.
Show Toolbar toggles toolbar display along the top of a notebook.
Size assigns a point size to selected cells or text.
Text Alignment assigns a text alignment to the selected cells.