CounterAssignments is an option for selections that sets the value of a specified counter.
TransformationFunctions is an option for Simplify and FullSimplify which gives the list of functions to apply to try to transform parts of an expression.
Mathematica's uniform representation of vectors and matrices as lists automatically extends to tensors of any rank, allowing Mathematica's powerful list manipulation ...
LatticeData[lattice, " property"] gives the specified property for a lattice.LatticeData[n] gives a list of named lattices of dimension n.
NotebookFind[notebook, data] sets the current selection in the specified notebook object to be the next occurrence of data. NotebookFind[notebook, data, Previous] sets the ...
FunctionalGraph[f, v] takes a set v and a function f from v to v and constructs a directed graph with vertex set v and edges (x, f[x]) for each x in v. FunctionalGraph[{f_1, ...
TetGenSetMessages[True | False] enables or disables the issuing of messages from TetGen.
MathML is an XML-based markup language for representing mathematics. It was developed by the W3C to provide an effective way to display math in web pages and facilitate the ...
CopyFile["file_1", "file_2"] copies file_1 to file_2.
(Mathematica Character Name) Unicode: 03B9. Aliases: Esc i Esc, Esc iota Esc. Greek letter. Not commonly used. Used in set theory to indicate an explicitly constructible set.