$CUDADevice is the CUDA device used in computation.
ShowGraph[g] displays the graph g. ShowGraph[g, Directed] is obsolete and it is currently identical to ShowGraph[g].
Mathematica provides a carefully chosen set of functions for accessing elements of lists either using indices or positions, or using patterns or criteria for their values.
Graphs are first-class citizens in Mathematica, and can be used as input, output, in programs, and in documents. Undirected and directed graphs are treated uniformly and ...
GraphComplement[g] gives the graph complement of the graph g.
SystemDialogInput["type"] brings up an interactive system dialog and returns the value chosen in the dialog. SystemDialogInput["type", init] uses init as the initial setting ...
In many kinds of calculations, you may find yourself typing the same input to Mathematica over and over again. You can save yourself a lot of typing by defining a function ...
LinearSolve[m, b] finds an x which solves the matrix equation m.x == b. LinearSolve[m] generates a LinearSolveFunction[...] which can be applied repeatedly to different b.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Module[{x, y, ...}, expr] specifies that occurrences of the symbols x, y, ... in expr should be treated as local. Module[{x = x_0, ...}, expr] defines initial values for x, ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Series[f, {x, x_0, n}] generates a power series expansion for f about the point x = x_0 to order (x - x_0) n. Series[f, {x, x_0, n_x}, {y, y_0, n_y}, ...] successively finds ...