Directly integrated into the Mathematica language is a convenient symbolic options mechanism that allows arbitrary sequences of named parameters to be given to both built-in ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) CDF[dist, x] gives the cumulative distribution function for the symbolic distribution dist evaluated at x.CDF[dist, {x_1, x_2, ...}] gives the multivariate cumulative ...
Integrated into Mathematica is a full range of state-of-the-art local and global optimization techniques, both numeric and symbolic, including constrained nonlinear ...
You can manipulate lists of transformation rules in Mathematica just like other symbolic expressions. It is common to assign a name to a rule or set of rules. This assigns ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Residue[expr, {z, z_0}] finds the residue of expr at the point z = z_0.
TextureCoordinateFunction is an option to Plot3D and similar functions that specifies a function that computes texture coordinates.
ChartStyle is an option for charting functions that specifies styles in which chart elements should be drawn.
ToContinuousTimeModel[sys] gives the continuous-time approximation of the discrete-time TransferFunctionModel or StateSpaceModel object sys.ToContinuousTimeModel[tf, s] gives ...
Polynomial algorithms are at the core of classical "computer algebra". Incorporating methods that span from antiquity to the latest cutting-edge research at Wolfram Research, ...
PlotPoints is an option for plotting functions that specifies how many initial sample points to use.