1421 - 1430 of 9883 for applying functions to listsSearch Results
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LQOutputRegulatorGains   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
LQOutputRegulatorGains[ss, {q, r}] gives the optimal state feedback gain matrix for the StateSpaceModel object ss and the quadratic cost function with output and control ...
HurwitzLerchPhi   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
HurwitzLerchPhi[z, s, a] gives the Hurwitz\[Dash]Lerch transcendent \[CapitalPhi](z, s, a).
MLReleaseInteger16List()   (Mathematica MathLink C Function)
void MLReleaseInteger16List (MLINK link, short *a, int n) disowns memory allocated by MLGetInteger16List() to store the array a of length n.
MLReleaseInteger64List()   (Mathematica MathLink C Function)
void MLReleaseInteger64List (MLINK link, mlint64 *a, int n) disowns memory allocated by MLGetInteger64List() to store the array a of length n.
MLReleaseReal128List()   (Mathematica MathLink C Function)
void MLReleaseReal128List (MLINK link, long double *a, int n) disowns memory allocated by MLGetReal128List() to store the array a of length n.
MLReleaseReal32List()   (Mathematica MathLink C Function)
void MLReleaseReal32List (MLINK link, float *a, int n) disowns memory allocated by MLGetReal32List() to store the array a of length n.
PrimeNu   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
PrimeNu[n] gives the number of distinct primes \[Nu](n) in n.
PrimeOmega   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
PrimeOmega[n] gives the number of prime factors counting multiplicities \[CapitalOmega](n) in n.
LucasL   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
LucasL[n] gives the Lucas number L_n.LucasL[n, x] gives the Lucas polynomial L_n (x).
MLGetReal64List()   (Mathematica MathLink C Function)
int MLGetReal64List (MLINK link, double ** a, int *n) gets a list of double-precision floating-point numbers from the MathLink connection specified by link, storing the ...
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