MathLink is a protocol for exchanging symbolic expressions. The Mathematica-level MathLink functions can be used with any MathLink-enabled external program, including ...
If you have a function defined in an external program, then what you need to do in order to make it possible to call the function from within Mathematica is to add ...
NestList[f, expr, n] gives a list of the results of applying f to expr 0 through n times.
Some integer functions. The remainder on dividing 17 by 3. The integer part of 17/3.
The built-in functions in Mathematica operate in a wide variety of ways. But many of the mathematical functions share an important approach: they are set up so as to reduce ...
Naming Conventions Generic and Nongeneric Cases Numerical Functions
Listable is an attribute that can be assigned to a symbol f to indicate that the function f should automatically be threaded over lists that appear as its arguments.
Testing and searching for elements of lists. "Getting Pieces of Lists" discusses how to extract pieces of lists based on their positions or indices. Mathematica also has ...