ToPackedArray[expr] uses packed arrays if possible in the internal representation of expr.
ContinuedFraction[x, n] generates a list of the first n terms in the continued fraction representation of x. ContinuedFraction[x] generates a list of all terms that can be ...
Mathematica has many matrix operations that support operations such as building, computing, and visualizing matrices. It also has a rich language for picking out and ...
MeshShading is an option for plotting functions that gives lists of colors to use for regions between mesh divisions.
DiscretePlot[expr, {n, n_max}] generates a plot of the values of expr when n runs from 1 to n_max.DiscretePlot[expr, {n, n_min, n_max}] generates a plot of the values of expr ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Assert[test] represents the assertion that test is True. If assertions have been enabled, test is evaluated when the assertion is encountered. If test is not True, then an ...
Denominator[expr] gives the denominator of expr.
EllipticE[m] gives the complete elliptic integral E(m). EllipticE[\[Phi], m] gives the elliptic integral of the second kind E(\[Phi] \[VerticalSeparator] m).
As well as being able to specify colors in several color spaces, Mathematica also contains a variety of predefined colors and aesthetically pleasing color spectrums. These ...