Mathematica is uniquely suited for processing symbolic expressions because of its powerful pattern-matching abilities and large collection of built-in structural manipulation ...
TextureCoordinateScaling is an option to Plot3D and similar functions that specifies whether arguments supplied to a texture coordinate function should be scaled to lie ...
CommonestFilter[image, r] transforms image by replacing each pixel with the most common pixel value in its range r neighborhood.CommonestFilter[data, r] applies commonest ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) MIME type: model/x-pov POV-Ray 3D scene description language and format. Used for storing 3D models and scene descriptions. Native file format of the POV-Ray raytracing ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Expand[expr] expands out products and positive integer powers in expr. Expand[expr, patt] leaves unexpanded any parts of expr that are free of the pattern patt. >
.NET/Link lets you write sophisticated user interfaces by calling .NET types directly from Mathematica. Doing so allows you to evaluate code as you add it, either one or ...
In three dimensions, just as in two dimensions, you can give various graphics directives to specify how the different elements in a graphics object should be rendered. All ...
While most built-in Mathematica functions follow the standard evaluation procedure, some important ones do not. For example, most of the Mathematica functions associated with ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Line[{pt_1, pt_2, ...}] is a graphics primitive that represents a line joining a sequence of points. Line[{{pt_11, pt_12, ...}, {pt_21, ...}, ...}] represents a collection of ...
FieldHint is an option for InputField that specifies contents to display when the input field is empty.