$GUIPath lists the directories searched in attempting to find interface files.
ValidationLength is an option to FindSequenceFunction and related functions that specifies the number of elements in the input sequence that should be used to validate a ...
LaplacianGaussianFilter[image, r] convolves image with a Laplacian-of-Gaussian kernel of pixel radius r.LaplacianGaussianFilter[image, {r, \[Sigma]}] convolves image with a ...
ScalingTransform[{s_x, s_y, ...}] gives a TransformationFunction that represents scaling by a factor s_i along each coordinate axis from the origin.ScalingTransform[{s_x, ...
ColorSpace is an option for Image and related functions that specifies the color space to which color values refer.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Subsets[list] gives a list of all possible subsets of list. Subsets[list, n] gives all subsets containing at most n elements. Subsets[list, {n}] gives all subsets containing ...
The Main Loop Dialogs Date and Time Functions
Mathematica's unified symbolic architecture makes it incredibly easy to create dialog boxes that range from the straightforward to the highly elaborate and customized. Every ...
ImageEffect[image, " effect"] applies the specified image effect to image.ImageEffect[image, {"effect", params}] uses parameters params.