1881 - 1890 of 9883 for applying functions to listsSearch Results
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PolarGridLines   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
PolarGridLines is an option for sector charts and polar plots that specifies polar grid lines.
Reading Textual Data   (Mathematica Tutorial)
With <<, you can read files that contain Mathematica expressions given in input form. Sometimes, however, you may instead need to read files of data in other formats. For ...
TableDepth   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
TableDepth is an option for TableForm and MatrixForm which specifies the maximum number of levels to be printed in tabular or matrix format.
Operator Input Forms   (Mathematica Tutorial)
Characters that are not letters, letter-like forms, or structural elements are treated by Mathematica as operators. Mathematica has built-in rules for interpreting all ...
Continuous Distributions   (Mathematica Tutorial)
The functions described here are among the most commonly used continuous univariate statistical distributions. You can compute their densities, means, variances, and other ...
ShearingTransform   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
ShearingTransform[\[Theta], v, n] gives a TransformationFunction that represents a shear by \[Theta] radians along the direction of the vector v, normal to the vector n, and ...
RealDigits   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
RealDigits[x] gives a list of the digits in the approximate real number x, together with the number of digits that are to the left of the decimal point. RealDigits[x, b] ...
GraphicsComplex   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
GraphicsComplex[{pt_1, pt_2, ...}, data] represents a graphics complex in which coordinates given as integers i in graphics primitives in data are taken to be pt_i.
FeedbackType   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
FeedbackType is an option for some control system functions that specifies the feedback type.
LegendAppearance   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
LegendAppearance is an option for charting functions that specifies the appearance of any legends that are generated.
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