SelectComponents[m, " prop", crit] computes a property " prop" for all components in a label matrix m and returns a version of m in which components that do not satisfy crit ...
OneSidedPValue is an element in hypothesis test output for one-sided tests.
TwoSidedPValue is an element in hypothesis test output for two-sided tests.
Mathematica's symbolic string patterns provide a compact yet readable basis for sophisticated string operations. Included directly in programs, or symbolically generated on ...
This package provides functions for performing a univariate Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to examine the differences between groups of means. The function ANOVA can handle ...
VariationalBound[f, u[x ], {x, x_min, x_max}, u_t, {a}, {b}, ...] finds values of the parameters a, b, ... of a trial function u_t that extremize the functional ...
NHoldAll is an attribute which specifies that none of the arguments to a function should be affected by N.
This tutorial discusses how the GUIObject expression for a running GUI can be a handle to the widgets that make up the interface. This lets you get runtime information about ...
WidgetReference[id] looks up an existing widget instance using identifier id and return the underlying object.