(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) N[expr] gives the numerical value of expr. N[expr, n] attempts to give a result with n-digit precision.
As discussed in "Exact and Approximate Results", Mathematica can handle approximate real numbers with any number of digits. In general, the precision of an approximate real ...
You can export XML data from Mathematica using the standard Export function. Exporting files. The first argument of the function specifies the file to which the data should ...
LQGRegulator[{ss, sensors, finputs}, {w, v, h}, {q, r, p}] constructs the optimal feedback regulator for the StateSpaceModel ss using noisy measurements sensors and feedback ...
CDFDeploy["file.cdf", expr] deploys expr in a form that can be played by Wolfram CDF Player.CDFDeploy["file.cdf", notebook] deploys a notebook.CDFDeploy["file.cdf", ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Break[] exits the nearest enclosing Do, For, or While.
FindIntegerNullVector[{x_1, x_2, ..., x_n}] finds a list of integers a_i such that a_1 x_1 + a_2 x_2 + \[CenterEllipsis] + a_n x_n == 0. FindIntegerNullVector[{x_1, x_2, ..., ...
Equivalent[e_1, e_2, ...] represents the logical equivalence e_1 \[DoubleLeftRightArrow] e_2 \[DoubleLeftRightArrow] ..., giving True when all of the e_i are the same.
NonlinearFit is replaced by FindFit. NonlinearRegress functionality is now available using the built-in function NonlinearModelFit.
GraphDistanceMatrix[g] gives the matrix of distances between vertices for the graph g.GraphDistanceMatrix[g, d] gives the matrix of distances between vertices of maximal ...