GridLinesStyle is an option for 2D graphics functions that specifies how grid lines should be rendered.
MultiedgeStyle is an option for GraphPlot and related functions that specifies how to draw multiple edges.
TrendStyle is an option to CandlestickChart, RenkoChart, and other financial charting functions that specifies how to style price trends.
"Redrawing and Combining Plots" describes how you can make regular arrays of plots using GraphicsGrid. Using the Inset graphics primitive, however, you can combine and ...
It is often useful to carry out a numerical integration using fixed step sizes. For example, certain methods such as "DoubleStep" and "Extrapolation" carry out a sequence of ...
ImageCooccurrence[image, n] gives the n*n cooccurrence matrix for image.ImageCooccurrence[image, n, ker] computes a cooccurrence matrix for arbitrary spatial relationships ...
KirchhoffGraph[kmat] gives the graph with Kirchhoff matrix kmat.KirchhoffGraph[{v_1, v_2, ...}, kmat] gives the graph with vertices v_i and Kirchhoff matrix kmat.
A method like "Newton's" method chooses a step, but the validity of that step only goes as far as the Newton quadratic model for the function really reflects the function. ...
MultivariateTDistribution[\[CapitalSigma], \[Nu]] represents the multivariate Student t distribution with scale matrix \[CapitalSigma] and degrees of freedom parameter ...