Unicode: 2043. Uninterpretable element. ⁃ name ⁃ is used on output to indicate an expression that has head name, but whose arguments will not explicitly be given. ...
Unicode: F520. Alias: Esc sq Esc. Prefix operator. x is by default interpreted as Square[x]. Used in mathematical physics to denote the d'Alembertian operator. Sometimes ...
NotebookDynamicExpression is an option for notebooks that specifies an expression to be dynamically updated whenever that notebook is open.
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) MIME type: image/svg+xml SVG vector graphics format. Intended for two-dimensional vector graphics on the web. Partially supported by several web browsers and browser ...
ReflectionTransform[v] gives a TransformationFunction that represents a reflection in a mirror through the origin, normal to the vector v.ReflectionTransform[v, p] gives a ...
TetGenGetElements[expr] gets the elements in a TetGen expression.
MeanTest is superseded by the Mathematica kernel functions LocationTest, TTest, and ZTest. MeanDifferenceTest is superseded by the Mathematica kernel functions ...
int MLPutInteger (MLINK link, int i) puts the integer i to the MathLink connection specified by link.
Suppose that you have a limited amount of data from which to obtain estimates of statistics for a population. The sampling distribution for those estimates can be ...
COperator[oper, arg_1, ...] is a symbolic representation of an operator.