ProvablePrimeQ[n] gives True if n is provably prime, and False otherwise.
FindGeoLocation[] attempts to find the current geodetic location of your computer.
$GeoLocation is a settable global variable that specifies the default geodetic location to use.
Unicode: 2225. Alias: Esc ␣|| Esc. Infix operator. x ∥ y is by default interpreted as DoubleVerticalBar[x,y]. Used in mathematics to indicate that x exactly divides y. Used ...
Unicode: F605. Alias: Esc l|| Esc. Matchfix operator. x is by default interpreted as DoubleBracketingBar[x]. Used in mathematics to indicate taking a norm. Sometimes used ...
Unicode: 2202. Alias: Esc pd Esc. Prefix operator with built-in evaluation rules. ∂_xy is by default interpreted as D[y,x]. ∂ is used in mathematics to indicate boundary. Esc ...
Unicode: F606. Alias: Esc r|| Esc. Matchfix operator. x is by default interpreted as DoubleBracketingBar[x]. Used in mathematics to indicate taking a norm. Sometimes used ...
Unicode: 21C0. Alias: Esc vec Esc. Infix and overfix arrow-like operator. x ⇀ y is by default interpreted as RightVector[x,y]. Used in mathematics to indicate weak ...
SameObjectQ[object_1, object_2] returns True if and only if the JavaObject expressions object_1 and object_2 refer to the same Java object.
ColorConvert[expr, colspace] converts color specifications in expr to refer to the color space represented by colspace.