EconomizedRationalApproximation[expr, {x, {x_0, x_1}, m, n}] gives the economized rational approximation to expr that is good over the interval x_0 to x_1, with numerator ...
CharacterEncodingsPath is a global option that specifies which directories are searched for character encoding files.
SpellingDictionariesPath is a global option that specifies which directories are searched for spelling dictionaries when the Edit \[FilledRightTriangle] Check Spelling menu ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Locator[{x, y}] represents a locator object at position {x, y} in a graphic. Locator[Dynamic[pos]] takes the position to be the dynamically updated current value of pos, with ...
int MLPutByteSymbol (MLINK link, const unsigned char *s, long l) puts a symbol whose name is given by the character string s of length l to the MathLink connection specified ...
PrintingPageRange is an option for notebooks that specifies the range of pages of a notebook to be printed.
PrintingStartingPageNumber is an option for notebooks that specifies what number to assign to the first page of a notebook when printed.
AppendColumns, AppendRows, and BlockMatrix are available using the Mathematica kernel functions Join and ArrayFlatten. TakeRows, TakeColumns, TakeMatrix, and SubMatrix are ...
Interface definitions can be defined using either a Mathematica expression or an XML definition. For many usages the Mathematica syntax is preferred. However, in cases where ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Framed[expr] displays a framed version of expr.