When you set up a graphics object in Mathematica, you give coordinates for the various graphical elements that appear. When Mathematica renders the graphics object, it has to ...
CellDynamicExpression is an option for cells that specifies an expression to be dynamically updated whenever the cell is visible on-screen.
FrontEndDynamicExpression is a global front end option that specifies an expression to be dynamically updated whenever the front end is running.
OperatingSystem is an option for file and related operations that specifies the type of operating system to use to determine file name and other conventions.
$InputFileName is a global variable whose value is the absolute file name of the input file from which input to Mathematica is currently being sought.
SystemsModelDimensions[sys] gives the number of inputs and outputs of a StateSpaceModel or TransferFunctionModel object sys.
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) Microsoft Windows cursor. Raster image file format. Native cursor format on Windows. CUR is an acronym derived from cursor. Binary format. Can store multiple cursors at ...
Longitude[pos] gives the longitude in degrees of a geographic position specified by pos.Longitude[pos, datum] gives the longitude referring to the specified geodetic datum.
Documentation Center opens the Wolfram Mathematica Documentation Center.
Virtual Book opens the Wolfram Mathematica Virtual Book, an updated and expanded electronic version of The Mathematica Book.