LibraryFunctionInformation[fun] returns information about a LibraryFunction.
JavaObjectToExpression[javaobject] converts the specified Java object reference into its value as a "native" Mathematica expression.
Integrated into the core Mathematica language is industrial-strength string manipulation, not only with ordinary regular expressions, but also with Mathematica's own powerful ...
LibraryLoad[lib] loads the dynamic library lib into the Mathematica runtime.
Mathematica 8 adds a number of new areas for visualization, including statistical, financial, wavelet, and control-related visualizations. These areas all provide a high ...
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Converting power series to normal expressions. Power series in Mathematica are represented in a special internal form, which keeps track of such attributes as their expansion ...
MathieuC[a, q, z] gives the even Mathieu function with characteristic value a and parameter q.
MathieuS[a, q, z] gives the odd Mathieu function with characteristic value a and parameter q.
Ordering[list] gives the positions in list at which each successive element of Sort[list] appears. Ordering[list, n] gives the positions in list at which the first n elements ...