Mathematica can be used to make plots of functions. You give Mathematica a function, and it builds up a curve or surface by evaluating the function at many different points. ...
The Experimental Functions Package contains functions that are being considered for official inclusion in future versions of Mathematica.
Mathematica has a rich syntax carefully designed for consistency and efficient, readable entry of Mathematica's many language, mathematical, and other constructs. In addition ...
Mathematica supports hyperbolic functions everywhere in the complex plane—with careful attention to branch cuts—and provides an extensive web of exact and algebraic ...
MapIndexed[f, expr] applies f to the elements of expr, giving the part specification of each element as a second argument to f. MapIndexed[f, expr, levelspec] applies f to ...
Partitioning elements in a list. This partitions in blocks of 3. This partitions in blocks of 3 with offset 1.
Mathematica immediately allows you to do arithmetic not only with individual numbers, but also with arbitrary lists or arrays—as well as symbolic and algebraic forms. ...
A "How to" describes how to carry out particular tasks with Mathematica, giving step-by-step instructions for common cases.
Functions relating real numbers and integers. Extracting integer and fractional parts. IntegerPart[x] and FractionalPart[x] can be thought of as extracting digits to the left ...
Using the latest platform-optimized code, Mathematica not only delivers high-efficiency machine-precision evaluation of elementary functions, but also—using a number of ...