9811 - 9820 of 9883 for applying functions to listsSearch Results
Active   (Obsolete Mathematica Symbol)
As of Version 6.0, Active has been superseded by Enabled.
AlgebraicRules   (Obsolete Mathematica Symbol)
Since Version 3.0 (released in 1996), AlgebraicRules has been superseded by PolynomialReduce.
Alias   (Obsolete Mathematica Symbol)
Since Version 2.0 (released in 1991), Alias has been superseded by $PreRead.
AspectRatioFixed   (Obsolete Mathematica Symbol)
As of Version 6.0, AspectRatioFixed has been superseded by ordinary and Shift interactive resizing of graphics in the front end.
ButtonEvaluator   (Obsolete Mathematica Symbol)
As of Version 6.0, ButtonEvaluator has been superseded by Evaluator.
ButtonExpandable   (Obsolete Mathematica Symbol)
In Mathematica 6.0, ButtonExpandable has been superseded by ImageSize -> Full.
ButtonFrame   (Obsolete Mathematica Symbol)
As of Version 6.0, the ButtonFrame option has been superseded by the Appearance option.
ButtonMargins   (Obsolete Mathematica Symbol)
In Mathematica 6.0, ButtonMargins has been superseded by the FrameMargins option of Button.
ButtonNote   (Obsolete Mathematica Symbol)
As of Version 6.0, the ButtonNote option has been superseded by the function StatusArea.
ButtonStyle   (Obsolete Mathematica Symbol)
As of version 6.0, ButtonStyle has been superseded by the more general option BaseStyle.
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