ImageConvolve[image, ker] gives the convolution of image with kernel ker.
NyquistPlot[g] gives the Nyquist plot of a rational function g in one complex variable.NyquistPlot[sys] gives the Nyquist plot of a TransferFunctionModel or StateSpaceModel ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) BitGet[n, k] gets the bit corresponding to the coefficient of 2^k in the integer n.
Mathematica notebooks include all the usual features of a top-quality word-processing system, plus many additional special capabilities. In all, there are over a thousand ...
When building an initial statistical model, you may not have a good idea of what parametric distribution family it should come from. Nonparametric distributions make very few ...
Expressions in Mathematica can be represented as strings in a variety of ways, for display, export, or processing. Mathematica provides powerful functions for formatting ...
In any interactive session, Mathematica effectively operates in a loop. It waits for your input, processes the input, prints the result, then goes back to waiting for input ...
.NET/Link lets you write sophisticated user interfaces by calling .NET types directly from Mathematica. Doing so allows you to evaluate code as you add it, either one or ...
TraceOff is an option for Trace and related functions which specifies forms inside which tracing should be switched off.
Palettes are like extensions of your keyboard. They can be used to perform many actions in Mathematica, including entering typesetting characters, styling notebooks, and ...