(Combinatorica Package Symbol) Graph[e, v, opts] represents a graph object where e is the list of edges annotated with graphics options, v is a list of vertices annotated with graphics options, and opts is ...
Mathematica uses the Microsoft math recognizer that is built into Windows 7 to recognize handwritten mathematical expressions. This allows you to enter handwritten ...
If the given second-order ODE is inhomogeneous, DSolve applies the method of variation of parameters to return a solution for the problem. This solves an inhomogeneous linear ...
The arithmetic used by Mathematica is a mixture of variable-precision software arithmetic and whatever is provided by the manufacturer of the floating-point hardware (or the ...
The main equations that Solve and related Mathematica functions deal with are polynomial equations. It is easy to solve a linear equation in x. One can also solve quadratic ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Sow[e] specifies that e should be collected by the nearest enclosing Reap. Sow[e, tag] specifies that e should be collected by the nearest enclosing Reap whose pattern ...
MLUserFunction is a MathLink type that describes a function pointer to a function taking an MLINK argument with a return type of void.
Numerical integration functions. This finds a numerical approximation to the integral ∫_(0)^∞ e^-x^3 x. Here is the numerical value of the double integral ∫_(-1)^1 dx ...
Integrate[f, x] gives the indefinite integral \[Integral]f d x. Integrate[f, {x, x_min, x_max}] gives the definite integral \[Integral]_x_min^x_max\ f\ d x. Integrate[f, {x, ...
For minimization problems for which the objective function is a sum of squares, it is often advantageous to use the special structure of the problem. Time and effort can be ...