FindGeneratingFunction[{a_1, a_2, ...}, x] attempts to find a simple generating function in x whose n\[Null]^th series coefficient is a_n.FindGeneratingFunction[{{n_1, a_1}, ...
Special forms for some common symbols. This is equivalent to Sin[60Degree]. Here is the long form of the input.
DSolve can find solutions for most of the standard linear second-order ODEs that occur in applied mathematics. Here is the solution for Airy's equation. Here is a plot that ...
Mathematica provides a carefully chosen set of functions for accessing elements of lists either using indices or positions, or using patterns or criteria for their values.
Many of the most powerful list manipulation operations in Mathematica treat whole lists as single objects. Sometimes, however, you need to pick out or set individual elements ...
SpheroidalJoiningFactor[n, m, \[Gamma]] gives the spheroidal joining factor with degree n and order m.
Notation , Symbolize and InfixNotation have several options that modify their behavior. These notation functions all take the options WorkingForm and Action. In addition the ...
ToLowerCase[string] yields a string in which all letters have been converted to lowercase.
ToUpperCase[string] yields a string in which all letters have been converted to uppercase.