ToExpression[input] gives the expression obtained by interpreting strings or boxes as Mathematica input. ToExpression[input, form] uses interpretation rules corresponding to ...
LinearOffsetFunction is an option for linear and generalized linear model fitting functions that specifies a component for the model that is to be assumed known.
Lists are very important structures in Mathematica. Lists allow you treat any kind of collection of objects as a single entity. Sometimes you need to pick out or extract ...
Mathematica can connect to many outside programs. You can use Mathematica 's rich programming language to read and write to other supported programming languages. Mathematica ...
FileExtension["file"] gives the file extension for a file name.
InverseJacobiSN[v, m] gives the inverse Jacobi elliptic function sn -1 (v \[VerticalSeparator] m).
Mathematica provides powerful functions for constructing lists of any size and structure.
ExpToTrig[expr] converts exponentials in expr to trigonometric functions.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Shallow[expr] prints as a shallow form of expr. Shallow[expr, depth] prints with all parts of expr below the specified depth given in skeleton form. Shallow[expr, {depth, ...
Mathematica encapsulates in a small number of functions vast flexibility in rearranging lists with any structure and any number of elements.