Mathematica's symbolic architecture and sophisticated mathematical capabilities allow it to take a uniquely high-level approach to geometric transformations—supporting ...
Finding singular values and norms of matrices. The singular values of a matrix m are the square roots of the eigenvalues of m.m^*, where * denotes Hermitian transpose. The ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) If[condition, t, f] gives t if condition evaluates to True, and f if it evaluates to False. If[condition, t, f, u] gives u if condition evaluates to neither True nor False.
InverseJacobiNC[v, m] gives the inverse Jacobi elliptic function nc -1 (v \[VerticalSeparator] m).
Mathematica supports several levels of interfacing to C and C++ programs. You can create "installable" C programs where C functions are directly connected to Mathematica ...
ListInterpolation[array] constructs an InterpolatingFunction object that represents an approximate function that interpolates the array of values given. ...
Introduction Finding Expressions That Match a Pattern Naming Pieces of Patterns
It is always a good idea to give variables and functions names that are as explicit as possible. Sometimes, however, such names may get inconveniently long. In Mathematica, ...
The World Wide Web is increasingly being used for communication between applications. The programmatic interfaces made available over the web for application-to-application ...
TraditionalForm[expr] prints as an approximation to the traditional mathematical notation for expr.