Since many functions in Mathematica give solutions in the form of rules, you need to be able to use these rules to explore and interpret your results. Although many of the ...
ZTransform[expr, n, z] gives the Z transform of expr. ZTransform[expr, {n_1, n_2, ...}, {z_1, z_2, ...}] gives the multidimensional Z transform of expr.
Packing a large number of sophisticated algorithms—many recent and original—into a powerful collection of functions, Mathematica draws on almost every major result in number ...
Derived distributions are modifications to existing distributions. There is a variety of ways in which you can arrive at modified distributions, including functions of random ...
Piecewise[{{val_1, cond_1}, {val_2, cond_2}, ...}] represents a piecewise function with values val_i in the regions defined by the conditions cond_i. Piecewise[{{val_1, ...
FunctionSpace is an option for FindSequenceFunction and related functions that specifies the space of functions to consider for representations.
BetaRegularized[z, a, b] gives the regularized incomplete beta function I_z (a, b).
Most of the documentation provided for Mathematica is concerned with explaining what Mathematica does, not how it does it. But the purpose of this is to say at least a little ...
Welcome to J/Link, a product that integrates Mathematica and Java. J/Link lets you call Java from Mathematica in a completely transparent way, and it also lets you use and ...
Mathematica's highly optimized architecture makes it easy to create programs that are both elegant and efficient. Its symbolic character lets you immediately run and test ...