FromElementCode[f, code] gives the field element of f associated with code, a non-negative integer less than the field size of f.
FunctionOfCode[g] is a setting for the option FormatType that specifies the format g[c] for an element, where c is the integer code for the element.
FunctionOfCoefficients[g] is a setting for the option FormatType that specifies the format g[c_0, c_1, ...] for an element, where c_0, c_1, ... are the coefficients in the ...
PerfectPowerQ[e, n] gives True if e is a perfect n\[Null]^th power in its field, and False otherwise.
Successor[e] gives the next element in a canonical ordering of the field elements.
ToElementCode[e] gives a non-negative integer code, less than the field size, associated with the element e.
(Graph Utilities Package Symbol) EdgeList[g] gives a list of edges in the graph g
ParsedBoxWrapper is a wrapper that wraps parsed boxes which come from the TagBox expressions that are embedded in Notation, Symbolize and InfixNotation statements.
RemoveNotation[boxes \[DoubleLongLeftRightArrow] expr] removes the notation boxes \[DoubleLongLeftRightArrow] expr.RemoveNotation[boxes\[DoubleLongRightArrow]expr] removes ...
(Numerical Differential Equation Analysis Package Symbol) ButcherHeight[tree] gives the height of tree.