NETType["name", n] represents a .NET type with the specified name.
RemoveEventHandler[obj@event, delegate] removes the specified delegate from the named event.
SameObjectQ[object_1, object_2] returns True if and only if the NETObject expressions object_1 and object_2 refer to the same .NET object.
TetGenCreate[] creates an instance of a TetGen expression.
TetGenDetectIntersectingFacets[points, facets] returns a list of points and intersecting facets.
$PrintShortErrorMessages specifies whether error messages from the web service operations will be shortened for the user to avoid long, intimidating error messages.
GeodesyData["name", " property"] gives the value of the specified property for a named geodetic datum or reference ellipsoid.GeodesyData[{a, b}, " property"] gives the value ...
RemoteService[properties] contains a list of properties about a service provided by a Lightweight Grid Manager.
(GUIKit Package Symbol) Widget[class : class | path | URL[path], {content}] defines a new widget instance.
Widget["ColorChooser"] provides a panel for making a color selection from various color model interfaces.