(Cluster Integration Symbol) CCS["name"] represents a Windows Compute Cluster Server with the specified name.
(Cluster Integration Symbol) HPC["name"] represents a Windows High Performance Computing Server with the specified name.
SymbolicC supports the various types of C operators. These are described in this section. First, you need to load the package. The following shows how to output to get infix ...
GUIObjectQ[ref] returns True if ref is an active GUIObject and otherwise returns False.
PropertyValue[name] gets a widget property value.PropertyValue[{target, name}] gets a widget property value, specifying the target widget.PropertyValue[{target, name, index}] ...
The GUIKit` package can also be used to provide Mathematica-enriched user interfaces to standalone Java applications, leveraging the fact that J/Link also works within a Java ...
NetworkFlow[g, source, sink] returns the value of a maximum flow through graph g from source to sink. NetworkFlow[g, source, sink, Edge] returns the edges in g that have ...
DiagramPlot[{{x_1, y_1}, {x_2, y_2}, ...}] plots the Voronoi diagram of the points {{x_1, y_1}, ...}. DiagramPlot[{{x_1, y_1}, {x_2, y_2}, ...}, {q_1, q_2, ...}, val] plots ...
MicroscopePlot[f, {x, a}] plots the expression f in a small neighborhood of a using machine arithmetic.MicroscopePlot[f, {x, a, n}] plots f from a - n ulps to a + n ulps.
TotalVariation[matrix] gives the total variation for matrix.