7231 - 7240 of 9835 for applying functions to partsSearch Results
Security and Authentication   (DatabaseLink Tutorial)
Many SQL databases can be configured to require a username and password when a connection is made. This is useful for preventing unwanted access and restricting the range of ...
GUIRunModal   (GUIKit Package Symbol)
GUIRunModal[src] loads and runs an interface definition in a modal state with the kernel and returns a result when finished.GUIRunModal[src, args] passes arguments to the ...
EulerSum   (Numerical Calculus Package Symbol)
EulerSum[f, {i, i_min, i_max}] gives a numerical approximation to the sum \[Sum]i = i_min i_max f using Euler's transformation.EulerSum[f, {i, i_min, i_max, di}] uses a step ...
StemExponent   (Statistical Plots Package Symbol)
StemExponent is an option for StemLeafPlot which specifies the integer power of 10 to be used as the stem unit.
InitializeXMLParser   (XML Package Symbol)
InitializeXMLParser[root, " file"] creates an XMLParser object that has a list of entities corresponding to the contents of " file" and can be used on XML documents that have ...
BZIP2   (Mathematica Import/Export Format)
MIME type: application/x-bzip2. BZIP2 compression method and file format. General-purpose lossless compression method. Occasionally used for archiving data on Unix systems ...
SequenceAlignment   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
SequenceAlignment[s_1, s_2] finds an optimal alignment of sequences of elements in the strings or lists s_1 and s_2, and yields a list of successive matching and differing ...
Standardize   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Standardize[list] shifts and rescales the elements of list to have zero mean and unit sample variance.Standardize[list, f_1] shifts the elements in list by f_1[list] and ...
TagSet   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
f /: lhs = rhs assigns rhs to be the value of lhs, and associates the assignment with the symbol f.
SQLConnection   (DatabaseLink Symbol)
SQLConnection[...] is an object that represents a connection to a data source.
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