(Error Bar Plots Package Symbol) ErrorBar[{ negerror, poserror }] error in the positive and negative directions.ErrorBar[yerr] error yerr in both the positive and negative directions.ErrorBar[xerr, yerr] ...
ErrorListPlot[{{y_1, dy_1}, {y_2, dy_2}, ...}] plots points corresponding to a list of values y_1, y_2, ..., with corresponding error bars. The errors have magnitudes dy_1, ...
LinkRanks[g] gives the link ranks of the directed graph g as a rule list.
EllipsoidQuartiles[matrix] gives the ellipsoidal loci of the quartiles of matrix.
MultivariateKurtosis[matrix] gives a multivariate kurtosis coefficient for matrix.
LegendBackground is an option for Legend, which specifies the style of background to use with a legend.
LegendLabel is an option for Legend, which specifies the text to be used as the label for the legend box.
LegendPosition is an option for Legend, which specifies the location of the lower-left corner of a legend box.
LegendSize is an option for Legend which specifies the size of a legend box.
LegendSpacing is an option for Legend which specifies the amount of space around each key box on a scale where the box is 1.