7371 - 7380 of 9835 for applying functions to partsSearch Results
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GF   (Finite Fields Package Symbol)
GF[p, d] gives the Galois field that is a degree d extension of the prime field of p elements.GF[q] gives the Galois field with q elements, for q a prime power.GF[p, ilist] ...
RemoveSinks   (Graph Utilities Package Symbol)
RemoveSinks is an option of PageRanks, PageRankVector, LinkRanks and LinkRankMatrix that specifies whether sinks are removed by linking with all vertices.
HighlightStyle   (Hierarchical Clustering Package Symbol)
HighlightStyle is an option for DendrogramPlot that specifies the style for highlighted clusters.
Orientation   (Hierarchical Clustering Package Symbol)
Orientation is an option for DendrogramPlot that specifies the orientation of the dendrogram.
EllipsoidProbability   (Multivariate Statistics Package Symbol)
EllipsoidProbability[dist, ellipse] gives the cumulative probability of dist over ellipse centered at the mean of dist.
MultivariateMeanDeviation   (Multivariate Statistics Package Symbol)
MultivariateMeanDeviation[matrix] gives the mean of the Euclidean distances between the elements of matrix and their mean.
Polytope   (Multivariate Statistics Package Symbol)
Polytope[{v_1, v_2, ...}, connectivity] represents a p-dimensional polytope with p-variate vertices v_1, v_2, ..., where the connections between the vertices is specified by ...
PolytopeQuartiles   (Multivariate Statistics Package Symbol)
PolytopeQuartiles[{x_1, ..., x_n}] gives a list of the loci of the quartiles of the bivariate data x_1, x_2, ..., where the data have been ordered using convex hulls centered ...
SimplexMedian   (Multivariate Statistics Package Symbol)
SimplexMedian[matrix] gives a simplex median of the elements in matrix.
A0   (Music Package Symbol)
A0 gives the frequency of the note A in octave 0.
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