ElementAbsorptionMap[element] generates a plot of the absorption map of the element element.ElementAbsorptionMap[element, ionstage] generates a plot for the ionization level ...
(Resonance Absorption Lines Package Symbol) IonStage is the ionization level of the element producing resonance absorption lines.
LowerStatisticalWeight[element] gives a list of {wavelength_v, weight} pairs, where wavelength_v is the wavelength in vacuum and weight is the statistical weight of the lower ...
LowerTermFineStructureEnergy[element] gives a list of {wavelength_v, energy} pairs, where wavelength_v is the wavelength in vacuum and energy is the energy of the ...
OscillatorStrength[element] gives a list of {wavelength_v, strength} pairs, where wavelength_v is the wavelength in vacuum and strength is the oscillator strength of the ...
RelativeStrength[element] gives a list of {wavelength_v, strength} pairs, where wavelength_v is the wavelength in vacuum and strength is the relative strength of the ...
TransitionProbability[element] gives a list of {wavelength_v, prob} pairs, where wavelength_v is the wavelength in vacuum and prob is the spontaneous transition probability ...
UpperStatisticalWeight[element] gives a list of {wavelength_v, weight} pairs, where wavelength_v is the wavelength in vacuum and weight is the statistical weight of the upper ...
VacuumWavelength[element] gives a list of the wavelengths in vacuum of the resonance absorption lines produced by the specified element.VacuumWavelength[element, ionstage] ...
IncludeEmptyStems is an option for StemLeafPlot which specifies whether stems with no leaves should be included in the plot.