Unique customizability and connectivity powered by symbolic programming.
StringInsert["string", " snew", n] yields a string with " snew" inserted starting at position n in " string". StringInsert["string", " snew", -n] inserts at position n from ...
UndirectedGraph[g] gives an undirected graph from the directed graph g.
CUDAMemoryCopyToHost[mem] force copies CUDAMemory from the GPU to the CPU.
CUDAMemoryCopyToDevice[mem] force copies CUDAMemory from the CPU to the GPU.
DiracComb[x] represents the Dirac comb function giving a delta function at every integer point. DiracComb[x_1, x_2, ...] represents the multidimensional Dirac comb function.
FindSequenceFunction[{a_1, a_2, a_3, ...}] attempts to find a simple function that yields the sequence a_n when given successive integer arguments.FindSequenceFunction[{{n_1, ...
CentralMomentGeneratingFunction[dist, t] gives the central moment generating function for the symbolic distribution dist as a function of the variable t. ...
PartitionsQ[n] gives the number q (n) of partitions of the integer n into distinct parts.
TakeWhile[list, crit] gives elements e_i from the beginning of list, continuing so long as crit[e_i] is True.