As of Version 6, SurfaceColor has been superseded by Specularity and Glow.
Since Version 5.0 (released in 2003), TensorRank has been superseded by ArrayDepth.
(Obsolete Mathematica Symbol) TeXSave is superseded by Export[..., "TeX"] in Version 6.
(Obsolete Mathematica Symbol) Since Version 2.0 (released in 1991), ToASCII has been superseded by ToCharacterCode.
Since Version 3.0 (released in 1996), ToHeldExpression has been superseded by ToExpression.
As of Version 3, $DefaultFont has been superseded by settings in notebook stylesheets, and as of Version 6 by options such as BaseStyle.
As of Version 6.0, $InstallationDate is no longer supported in typical computer system configurations.
As of Version 6.0, $MachineDomain has been superseded by $MachineDomains.
As of Version 6.0, $ProductInformation has been superseded by SystemInformation.
As of Version 6.0, $RandomState has been superseded by the scoping construct BlockRandom.