SetSelectedNotebook[notebook] makes the specified notebook be the currently selected one in the front end.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Overlay[{expr_1, expr_2, ...}] displays as an overlay of all the expr_i.Overlay[{expr_1, expr_2, ...}, {i, j, ...}] displays as an overlay of expr_i, expr_j, ...
WindowElements is a notebook option that specifies the elements to include in the window used to display the notebook on the screen.
CopyToClipboard[expr] replaces the contents of the clipboard with expr.
PopupWindow[expr, contents] displays as expr, but pops up a window containing contents when clicked.
Type Ctrl+DynamicBox[If[$OperatingSystem === MacOSX, T, D], ImageSizeCache -> {9., {0., 8.}}] or choose Graphics > Drawing Tools. For more information on each tool, click the ...
The Database Explorer is a graphical interface to DatabaseLink. It provides a number of useful functions, such as managing connections and working with the data in a ...
Mathematica provides important functionality through accessing the internet. Most Mathematica functions that provide computable data operate by loading data over the ...
Mathematica 's built-in spell checker includes the ability to customize spelling dictionaries both permanently and for individual notebooks.
ContinuousAction is an option for Manipulate, Slider, and related functions that specifies whether action should be taken continuously while controls are being moved.