Background is an option that specifies what background color to use.
ImageSize is an option that specifies the overall size of an image to display for an object.
Widget["WizardPage"] represents a page of a wizard.
Mathematica supports operations on matrices of any size and has a range of input methods appropriate for different needs, from small formatted matrices via keyboard or ...
SelectionMove[obj, dir, unit] moves the current selection in an open notebook in the front end in the direction dir by the specified unit. SelectionMove[obj, dir, unit, n] ...
Mathematica uses the Microsoft math recognizer that is built into Windows 7 to recognize handwritten mathematical expressions. This allows you to enter handwritten ...
Mathematica notebooks consist of sequences of cells. The hierarchy of cells serves as a structure for organizing the information in a notebook, as well as specifying the ...
DiscretePlot[expr, {n, n_max}] generates a plot of the values of expr when n runs from 1 to n_max.DiscretePlot[expr, {n, n_min, n_max}] generates a plot of the values of expr ...
When you generate a very large output expression in Mathematica, you often do not want to see the whole expression at once. Rather, you would first like to get an idea of the ...
Mathematica includes rich support for linking between notebooks and from notebooks to websites. You can simply add references to a single notebook or link between a series of ...