Mathematica's symbolic representation of both graphics and controls makes it particularly easy to create click-interactive panels in which the user clicks or drags elements ...
The single function Manipulate gives immediate access to a huge range of powerful interactive capabilities. For any expression with symbolic parameters, Manipulate ...
Manipulate is an extremely powerful function that immediately creates complete dynamic interfaces, automatically optimized for usability and appearance. For specific ...
ClickPane[image, func] represents a clickable pane that displays as image and applies func to the x, y coordinates of each click within the pane.ClickPane[image, {{x_min, ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Paneled is an option for Manipulate and related functions that specifies whether to give the output inside a panel.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Panel[expr] displays as a panel containing expr. Panel[expr, title] gives the panel the specified title. Panel[expr, title, pos] places title at a position specified by pos. ...
Mathematica's unified symbolic graphics architecture makes possible powerful mixing of programmatic graphics generation with interactive editing and control. The Mathematica ...
Mathematica 6 introduced the revolutionary idea of symbolic dynamic interactivity. Mathematica 7 makes use of this idea throughout the system, and adds a number of additional ...
Manipulate[expr, {u, u_min, u_max}] generates a version of expr with controls added to allow interactive manipulation of the value of u. Manipulate[expr, {u, u_min, u_max, ...
Mathematica 6.0 defined a major new paradigm for computing, centered around the concept of the symbolic dynamic interface. Built on Mathematica's unique symbolic ...